Melick Professional Genealogists 2023/2024 Costs

How can we assist you with determining costs?
Since no two clients have the same needs when it comes to their genealogy research and pedigree charts or family trees, we have provided a range of pricing options to cover genealogy research and chart needs.

If these pricing packages do not meet your needs, please contact us for a free no obligation consultation to determine your specific goals and a customized quote to pursue your family history contact us.

PACKAGE A: GENEALOGY RESEARCH REPORT (report footnoted and source documents provided)
1. $ 750: Specific brick wall research request
2. $ 950: Up to 6 generations on 1 family line, up to 32 ancestors
3. $1,850: Up to 6 generations on 2 family lines, up to 64 ancestors

PACKAGE B: FAMILY TREE AUTHENTICATION RESEARCH REPORT (report footnoted and source documents provided)
4. $ 750: Up to 6 generations single direct line ancestry
5. $1,500: Up to 12 generations single direct line ancestry

6. $ 500: Up to 6 generations on 1 family line, up to 32 ancestors, chart only

  • $ 750: Research add without report (research discoveries placed directly in chart, source documents provided)
    7. $ 750: Up to 6 generations on 2 family lines, up to 64 ancestors, chart only

  • $1,450: Research add without report (research discoveries placed directly in chart, source documents provided)

    PACKAGE D: MISSING HEIRS & BENEFICIARIES RESEARCH REPORT (report footnoted and source documents provided)
    8. $2,800: Decedent’s ancestors, descendants, and beneficiaries

    Research 8-12 weeks average
    Charts 4-6 weeks average

    CONTACT:, 720-209-5888
    Communicate your known ancestral history to provide the starting point for your research by downloading and filling out the free Family Group Sheet or Ancestral Chart found in
    the lower right margin of this page and emailing it to along with your request.

    Family History GiftHow We Can Help:

    • Connect with your ancestors
    • Discover stories you didn’t know
    • Discover recurring family names
    • Research family lore
    • Assist with genealogy research
    • Research your family history
    • Provide custom charts & reports
    • Create gifts for all occasions

    Family History GiftWhat You Can Expect:

    • Free initial consultation
    • Free quote
    • Our recommendations
    • Pricing to meet your budget
    • Quality research
    • Heirloom quality charts & reports
    • Responsive & easy to work with
    • Excited to work with you
    • Quick turnaround, deliver on time


    Professional Genealogist Fees

    The amount of time spent on genealogy research is dependent on the availability of genealogy records. For instance, the US Census does not exist before 1790, then from 1790 to 1840 it lists only the head of the household, and then from 1850 to 1940 all family members are listed. The availability of birth, marriage and death records vary from region to region. Once we understand the region you are researching and how far back you want to go we can provide you with a genealogy fee proposal.

    Family Tree Cost

    The cost of the genealogy research of your family will be based on the depth of the research. From this research, we can then create a family tree (see some family tree examples).

    Professional Genealogy Price List

    Author Picture
    H. Thomas

    "I received a phone call from the missing heir last week. Thank you again."